Darwin, The Human Race, and Creation with Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson from Answers in Genesis

Recently Doreen Virtue and I had the absolute honor and privilege to interview Answers in Genesis’ Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, author of Replacing Darwin.

Hello dear ones, I hope this finds you all doing well! Recently Doreen Virtue and I had the absolute honor and privilege to interview Answers in Genesis’ Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, author of Replacing Darwin. We talked about his book, his work with the human race, genetics, and so much more! I want to thank Answers in Genesis for lending us one of their scientists, Dr. Jeanson for giving us so much of his time, and Doreen for co-hosting with me!


Below is a timestamped outline in case you’d like to skip around, as well as some links and resources. Don’t forget to watch until the end to catch the fun bloopers! Also, if you didn’t get a chance to see last weeks MEGA list, I’m going to link to it here. Great news, y’all, Tulips & Honey Hub is now officially available on Amazon’s new Podcasting app! You can, of course, listen across all major podcasting platforms such as PodbeaniTunesSpotifyGoogle PlayiHeart RadioStitcher, and in video form on YouTube. As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

TS 00:00:25 – Our episode with Phil Johnson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVBEDJM1s9c&t=1013s

TS 00:04:20 – The statistics for belief in Evolution vs Creation

TS 00:08:20 – How do your peers react to your Christianity?

TS 00:10:55 – Are they suppressing the truth or do they truly believe in Evolution?

TS 00:14:50 – How should we prepare children for university?

Answer’s in Genesis courses: https://answersingenesis.org/education/online-courses/

TS 00:22:15 – Why did you decide to become a scientist?

TS 00:27:25 – Upcoming book?

TS 00:30:00 – How can we discuss the new research on race with grace?

TS 00:35:30 – What about Mitochondrial Eve?

TS 00:39:00 – Where are the genetic mutations heading?

TS 00:45:00 – How have you seen God’s signature in cellular biology

TS 00:49:10 – Does atheism exist? 

TS 00:52:00 – How can we be praying for you and your team?

You can find Dr. Jeanson’s book here: https://answersingenesis.org/store/product/replacing-darwin/?sku=10-2-494&

To watch his 25 part series on the human race: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1v9pqs4w1mwrGlCET76Rs99Fx0EfJXE4

For more information about Dr. Jeanson and his work with Answers in Genesis: https://answersingenesis.org/bios/nathaniel-jeanson/

Be sure to follow Doreen Virtue, and Subscribe to her channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/4AngelTherapy

If you’d like more information about Tulips & Honey check out my website: 5Solas.Online 

My blog over at: https://www.wordpress.com/biblicalbeg… 

My store: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/tulips-h…

or my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/Tulipshoneyhub   

For questions, comments, recommendations, prayer requests, you can contact me on social media or via my email biblicalbeginnings@outlook.com

Homeschooling Update: Reformation – Science – Birthdays

Hello dear ones, I hope this post finds you all doing well! I wanted to highlight a couple of different resources and talk a little about homeschooling during birthdays. That might seem random, unless you’ve watched Friday’s Not so Live MEGA List. At the end I shared some photos of Kayliegh growing up, and a silly video of her trying to get a gift open. It’s a tradition for us to make gifts difficult to open, it’s something fun she does when wrapping gifts for me or Justin as well.

Life can be full of distractions, but the great thing about homeschooling is that we can use every opportunity to learn. When holidays or birthdays come up, Kayliegh typically has a lot of trouble sleeping. I was the same way when I was little, often I would attempt to stay up all night so that I could still be awake when the big day dawned. All that ever came of that was that I’d fall asleep on accident and sleep in really late. Unfortunately, that’s not what happens with my darling daughter. She tosses and turns, then wakes up really early exhausted. frustrated, and even sometimes panicked about her inability to rest. That puts us in a bit of a bind with lessons, as she’s now distracted by the upcoming event and also quite grumpy. In those situations I pull out the easiest lessons I have, the ones that involve her favorite things like cooking or experimenting. We move slow when she needs to, take breaks when it seems to be overwhelming for her, and pick back up with the heavier lessons the next day. It’s important to remember, as homeschooling teachers, that our little ones will retain more understanding if they’ve rested well. Pushing through lessons on a few hours of sleep won’t accomplish as much as taking it easy for the day.

That being said, although this has literally never happened, Kayliegh slept well on the lead up to her birthday. This is due to the lingering fatigue from her having COVID, that gift that just won’t stop giving no matter how many times we try to return it. Still, she struggled to focus with all the excitement of her big double digit day, and with all the packing for our next move. What do I do when focus is waning? The same thing I do when she gets no sleep, except I can make the lessons more challenging. When you see that your kiddo is no longer picking up what your putting down, keep a few fun and education lessons hidden you your sleeve to bring them back down out of the clouds. For Kayliegh, this tends to revolve around Home Economics or Science. Slip in some hints about what’s coming up next, and suddenly you’ll have a little one ready to get through their math or piano class.

I haven’t had the chance to write a homeschooling update in such a long time! I wish I had compiled more links and resources. However, these two totally rock. The first one is free, and I mentioned it on that MEGA list I linked to up above. It’s Reformation worksheets, free to print and use to teach about why this month is so awesome! The owner of Theologia Gear also let me know that their shop is having a discount on all their products during Reformation month. That’s pretty exciting! The last resource I have for y’all is not free, but is incredible. Jasmin Davis from The_Clever_Decorator recommended Apologia’s (no connection to Jeff Durbin’s Church) science curriculum when she joined me on the program to discuss evolution. Kayliegh is officially at the point where there is far less free worksheets available, and the lessons are far more complex. So, I did it, I actually paid for a full years worth of curriculum. Yup, that’s right my friends, this is the first time I’ve had to do that. Why? Because there is an insane amount of free curriculums out there for elementary school ages. It gets less and less the older they get, right when the secular evolutionism begins to build. Apologia’s curriculums all follow a Biblical view of Creation. As we learn about anatomy, the end of each chapter brings it back to Gods Word! It’s wonderful! That’s it, that’s my update, hopefully it was a little helpful. As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Dinosaurs and the Bible

Hello dear ones, I hope this post finds you all doing well! Today’s episode is going to be a lot different than the previous ones. For starters, this one is just me, no co-host or guest to interview. I’m not sure how I stayed on track but if you want the blooper reel you’ll see that, well, it was a painful process. This time I decided to go with a topic that I absolutely love, which you’ll all know and remember if you’ve followed this blog for a long time. Dinosaurs! Ok, I went a lot further than just dinosaurs. But I mean, that’s the start of the conversation. I got into fossils, evolution, creation, apologetics, and presuppositionalism as well. It’s packed full of information, so the timeline below includes a large amount of references, articles, and resources.

Job 40:15-17

Hope fully I’ve included everything that you might need to study stuff mentioned in this episode. I also added some of the images discussed during the episode, in case you’re one of the podcast listeners instead of a Youtube watcher. No Humblebee left behind! You can, of course, listen across all major podcasting platforms such as Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, iHeart Radio, Stitcher, and in video form on Youtube. As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Job 41:1-2

TS – 00:10:00 – Carl Sagon’s book on dragon legends 

Article referencing Sagan’s book and detailing this issue: https://www.icr.org/article/dinosaurs-dragon-legends

Articles regarding men and dinosaurs: https://www.icr.org/men-dinosaurs/



TS – 00:10:45 – Laws of Informationhttps://creation.com/laws-of-information-1


TS – 00:13:30 – Dragon Legends: Articles explaining these legends…


TS – 00:17:30 – Circular reasoning in dating dinosaurs. Articles explaining the errors here, and a reference for the charts used in this portion of today’s episode: 





Article explaining how fossils can form quickly: https://answersingenesis.org/fossils/how-are-fossils-formed/experiment-fast-formed-fossils/

TS – 00:25:00 – Fossils found with tissue still intact. Articles explaining soft tissue fossils, as well as fossils with tissue still intact in further detail: 





TS – 00:28:30 – Human footprints alongside dinosaur footprints. Articles regarding the dinosaur tracts: https://answersingenesis.org/dinosaurs/footprints/human-and-dinosaur-footprints-in-turkmenistan/



TS – 00:42:45 – Carbon dating. Articles explaining the issues with current dating methods:





TS – 00:45:00 – Apologetics and Presuppositionalism. How to Answer the Fool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQKjUzotw_Y

Astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle’s Ultimate Proof of Creation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j9-cyRbFcs

My Book Review of The Ultimate Proof of Creation: https://biblicalbeginningsblog.wordpress.com/2017/07/13/a-book-review-of-the-ultimate-proof-of-creation/

LivingWaters Evolution Vs. God: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0u3-2CGOMQ&t=1317s

Why Does it Matter? https://biblicalbeginningsblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/05/why-does-it-matter-evolutionism-vs-creationism/

If you’d like more information about Tulips & Honey check out my website: 5Solas.Online 

My store: https://www.spreadshirt.com/tulips-honey+gifts

or my Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/Tulipshoneyhub

My YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK9OSh4zNsmi4aGIx6oYI8Q

For questions, comments, recommendations, prayer requests, you can contact me on social media or via my email biblicalbeginnings@outlook.com

Through the Narrow – Theistic Evolution: Those Who Support it and their Effect on the Church

How does a person who sits in a Christian church come to the realization one day, there is no God? The hardened hearts and blind eyes of unbelievers.

Theistic Evolution

Those Who Support it and their Effect on the Church

By Gina Cook

Psalm 14:1 “The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds;
There is no one who does good.”

How does a person who sits in a Christian church come to the realization one day, there is no God?

The hardened hearts and blind eyes of unbelievers.

Of course the main reason anyone does not believe in their Creator, Christ the Lord, is because of their hardened heart and that they were not a believer to begin with.  They are dead in and blind to their own sin.  They have not been given new eyes, a new heart; new life in Christ.  They are not born again.  

They could have been given the Gospel over and over and have still rejected it.  They could have sat under solid preaching for years yet did not heed to it.  Yet, there is a certain kind of pastor/church leadership who encourage atheism indirectly and may not even realize it. 

The weak and undiscerning pastors and those wolves in sheep clothing they keep inviting in.

I’ve heard many well-meaning pastors say we can’t know for sure what the Bible means on critical verses, verses that have been clear to Christians for millennia. For example, the creation account.  They have little discernment, little concern for handling all of God’s Word rightly and little to no backbone when the world continues to mock the one true interpretation of Scripture.  So these pastors often push controversial verses aside and focus on “primary issues”.

When you take God away from anything He actually tells us in His Word, you provide a breeding ground for doubt about God and about everything He says in His Word. That’s a scary place to be.  As Satan said in the garden, “Did God ACTUALLY say?” (Genesis 3:1)  It sews doubt and takes a person away from the surety and safety of God’s Word. 

These weak pastors often give the floor to false teachers who are professing Christians and influential in their ministries, who teach us to give ear to the world’s definitions of origins, stop taking the Genesis creation account literally, have an open mind and be reputable to the world, and tell yourself and others that we can’t know for sure what God means when He describes creation.  They support Intelligent Design but not the Word of God.  I hear many ask, as long as we believe in Intelligent Design, we are ok as Christians, right? Evolution can still be somehow woven into God’s design, right?  After all, taking the Genesis creation account literally is a secondary issue.  Wrong, wrong, wrong!

What good is it if they believe in an intelligent designer only to dismiss what the true Designer has said about the designing process; about how He created His creation; about anything He has to say? 

Theistic evolution, defined as the belief that God used the process of evolution to create all living things, is infiltrating the church and devastating it.

John MacArthur put it well when he said, “Is there a more deadly, a more devastating, a more destructive, a more ungodly act than to openly and purposely and publicly denounce the veracity of the Bible? Is there a worse crime? Is not that the crime of all crimes? Because if you can’t believe what the Bible says, all is lost. And if you think because you have a Ph.D. in microbiology that you are the judge of all the earth and you have a right to edit what God has revealed by His Holy Spirit, then we’d better run over to wherever you are and bow down, because we need to worship you since you’ve got it right and the writers of the Scriptures, though inspired by the Holy Spirit, didn’t get it right. I mean, there is no more serious crime than that. That is the ultimate crime, is to attack the veracity of Holy Scripture at any point.

(Taken from : https://www.gty.org/library/sermons-library/GTY136)

MacArthur explained further why this is a primary issue, “If Adam was not the literal ancestor of the entire human race, then the Bible’s explanation of how sin entered the world makes no sense. Moreover, if we didn’t fall in Adam, we cannot be redeemed in Christ, because Christ’s position as the Head of the redeemed race exactly parallels Adam’s position as the head of the fallen race: “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:22). “Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous” (Romans 5:18-19) “And so it is written, ‘The first man Adam became a living being.’ The last Adam became a life-giving spirit” (1 Corinthians 15:45; cf. 1 Timothy 2:13-14; Jude 14).” (taken from https://www.gty.org/library/blog/B150217 )

These dangerous teachers embrace scientism, not solid biblical teaching.  They focus on Intelligent Design but there is no reverence for the Lord and His Word as the final authority.  They want to marry evolution/science/philosophy together with Christianity as if they have unveiled some sort of marvelous gift for the Church.   To them, scientific findings and man’s wisdom revise the way we should interpret the Bible.  That’s no marvelous gift to us, that is only damnable and dangerous.

I want to briefly introduce some of the men that are famous for championing these beliefs and are sadly embraced by many professing Christians today:

Francis Collins: A well-known geneticist who claims to be Christian and is founder of the organization Biologos (one that is designed to unite Christians and science together -trying to make evolution look scientific and biblical), makes great strides in convincing “Christians” that evolution is true.  He believes in theistic evolution.  In an interview he stated: “…in some faith traditions, evolution seems to be a threat to the idea that God did it. I don’t actually see it as a threat at all; I see this as answering the question of how God did it. But certainly, some conservative Christian churches have had trouble embracing that conclusion, as it does seem to contradict a number of their views about how humanity came to be. Thus, people who have natural skepticism about the overall process, who have not had a decent science education to teach them why evolution actually makes sense and who have heard in Sunday school or from the pulpit that this theory is actually a threat to their faith, have a very hard time accepting, even after 150 years, that evolution is true.” (https://www.pewforum.org/2008/04/17/the-evidence-for-belief-an-interview-with-francis-collins/ )

Tim Keller: Keller is a well known (retired) pastor, theologian, and apologist. He believes in theistic evolution.  Cameron Buettel writes: “Tim Keller, while remaining ambiguous as to his own views, is a willing spokesman for BioLogos. On their website, Keller professes his openness to Derek Kidner’s theory that God forming man from the dust of the ground could be a description of evolution:

“The intelligent beings of a remote past, whose bodily and cultural remains give them the clear status of ‘modern man’ to the anthropologist, may yet have been decisively below the plane of life which was established in the creation of Adam… Nothing requires that the creature into which God breathed human life should not have been of a species prepared in every way for humanity.”

So in this model there was a place in the evolution of human beings when God took one out of the population of tool-makers and endowed him with ‘the image of God.’ This would have lifted him up to a whole new ‘plane of life.’  (quotes taken from:https://www.gty.org/library/blog/B150217 )

He famously has said, “Belief in evolution can be compatible with a belief in an historical fall and a literal Adam and Eve. There are many unanswered questions around this issue and so Christians who believe God used evolution must be open to one another’s views.”

John Walton:  Dr. Walton is a professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College in Illinois and is a member of the Biologos Advisory Council, believing in theistic evolution. He teaches that Genesis is not literal.  He says, “Genesis is better understood as narrative rather than as a record of historical events.” ( quote taken fromhttps://isgenesishistory.com/gnostic-world-of-john-walton/ )

N.T. Wright: A bishop of Durham, Church of England and a widely quoted scholar by Christians all over the world, also believed in theistic evolution, believing we came from hominids.   He says, “Genesis one, two, and three is wonderful picture language, but I do think there was a primal pair in a world of emerging hominids, that’s the way I read that. … the way that I see it is that God called one pair of hominids and said “OK, this place is a bit chaotic, you and I together, we’re going to have a project. We’re going to plant this garden and we’re going to go out from here and this is how it’s going to be.”  (quote taken from https://www.gty.org/library/blog/B150217 ).  N.T. Wright is also a proud supporter of Biologos.  No surprise.

Bruce Waltke:  A Hebrew, Old Testament Scholar who believes in theistic evolution believes all Christians need to embrace evolution to be relevant- “I think that if the data is overwhelming in favor, in favor of evolution, to deny that reality will make us a cult, some odd group that’s not really interacting with the real world. . . . And to deny the reality would be to deny the truth of God in the world and would be to deny truth. So I think it would be our spiritual death if we stopped loving God with all of our minds and thinking about it, I think it’s our spiritual death. It’s also our spiritual death in witness to the world that we’re not credible, that we are bigoted, we have a blind faith and this is what we’re accused of.”  (quote taken from https://www.gty.org/library/blog/B150217 )

These are just a few of several known “Christian” leaders who believe and teach theistic evolution and to question parts of Scripture.

Again, weak pastors who are not discerning and protecting their church properly are supporting these men and their ideologies, whether intentionally or not.  They allow tweaking of God’s Word however they see fit.  They improperly categorize “primary” and “secondary” teachings to boot. 

It must be said over and over that this is no secondary issue. 

Pastors who teach that what God says about creation is only secondary and that we are to give ear to what scientists say, so as not to be ignorant or closed-minded, or that it’s ok to listen to the teachers who believe in theistic evolution because they have the “primary” issues right, is one of the reasons the youth begin to doubt all of God’s Word and give more ear to the persuasiveness of the world.  It wreaks havoc on souls.

The influence of “education” and “science” and professing Christian experts, get to the weak-kneed and unconfident pastors and teachers who start out by merely accommodating these theories and eventually, if God doesn’t intervene in their heart, into an increasing abandonment of holding fast to God’s Word entirely.  It’s a very slippery slope.  Once you begin to care about what the world says and allow the world to interpret Scripture, you have begun a journey that takes you further and further away from the safe parameters God gives us in Scripture.  And if you question any verse in the Bible as being literal and factual, then you must logically question all of it.  And that is what many end up doing and therefore walk away from the Church altogether, confused and wrecked.

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Other great links to check out:




Throwback Thursday – Molecular Machines

Back in March of 2018 I did a six part series on the molecular machines we find in our bodies. I was reminded of this series during a recording for Monday’s podcast episode so I thought it would be a fun throwback so that you’re all prepared for me to totally geek out next week.

Well beloved brethren there seems to be no end to the amazing molecular machines within our bodies. We could continue this series for a year or more! Instead, I’m going to wrap this up with a recap on everything we’ve learned. Before I do that, I want to thank you all who prayed with me for my husband and the family who lost their baby. What a gift God has given to have an entire body of believers to go to for advice, encouragement, and prayer!

So in case you missed them here is a list of all the tiny robots working so hard to keep up alive.

Molecular Machines – ATP the energy for all cells, without which we would die, ATP is an amazing molecular machine in every single cell in our bodies.

Molecular Machines – Helicase a necessary machine for DNA replication, the Helicase is just as important as the ATP, and also resides in every cell.

Molecular Machines – Dynein the gear shifting motor, which helps move proteins and other needed nutrients and information, is one hard working machine.

Molecular Machines – Flagellum one of the worlds most known molecular machine, which propels things backward or forward, made of intricately designed pieces.

Molecular Machines – Myosins is a molecular machine that helps with muscle flexing, making in important for movement.

Molecular Machines – Clathrin the three legged protein that gathers together to build a basket like shape which moves information or nutrients inside or outside every cell, which is especially important in brain cells.

I hope this recap blesses you, if anyone missed a post. Stay tuned for the new series next Monday focusing on bringing God glory through creation science. Until tomorrow, dear ones, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Throwback Thursday: Intelligent Design – The Miracle of Life Part X

As you probably recall, a human beings body is designed to attack anything foreign, life viruses, but did you know the woman’s body naturally produces a way to prevent those same processes from destroying the life growing inside her? How about the tiny pieces that all have to come together perfectly, at just the right time, to make that little image bearer’s heart beat, lungs not drowned in fluid, brain synapsis fire? I covered all of these miraculous events in this ten part series…

Hello, dear ones, today’s throwback Thursday was one of my favorite series to write! Way back in December of 2017 I began The Miracle of Life series. This is a particularly fun throwback as many are suggesting a baby boom might be on the horizon. As you probably recall, a human beings body is designed to attack anything foreign, like viruses, but did you know the woman’s body naturally produces a way to prevent those same processes from destroying the life growing inside her? How about the tiny pieces that all have to come together perfectly, at just the right time, to make that little image bearer’s heart beat, lungs not drowned in fluid, brain synapsis fire? I covered all of these miraculous events in this ten part series, links to each individual article can be found at the end. Now, in our new shop, we are also able to create maternity shirts! Isn’t that neat? Great time for a baby boom, and a throwback Thursday.

Intelligent Design – The Miracle of Life Part X

Beloved brethren we are going to wrap this miracle up in a swaddling blanket and end this series. Pregnancy is actually a ten month affair, however only 5% of moms carry their blessings all the way to their due date. For me, in particular, Kayliegh was born several weeks early due to complications in my pregnancy. I just want to give some last minute thoughts on how miraculous child bearing is, and leave you with a little more awe and wonder at the sovereign God we serve.

In the last weeks of pregnancy the baby prepares for birth, sitting lower and sometimes head down. The bones in the babies head are not hardened like other bones in their body, they remain flexible for birth. At this point the antibodies from the mother are flowing heavily into the placenta, a process that once again involves miraculous acts done by tiny cells and protein machinery. One of the most amazing transformations take place in the babies body after it takes its first breath. The umbilical cord no longer works once the placenta has detached during the birth, which leads the heart to make some massive changes. For the first time, the babies heart and bypass arteries will begin pumping the blood to the lungs to be oxygenated. Once again, this rapid difference finds its cue from detailed instructions wound up in the tiniest book ever written, the DNA.

From conception to birth the DNA instruction manual is read, duplicated, and obeyed by the complex molecular structures within the human cells. How complicated is the miracle of life? Irreducibly so. Dear friends I can think of no greater example to give for the trials of this life than child bearing. I’ve never been the same, since I gave birth. It’s said the be the closest thing to death that you can do, and survive. The fruit of that trial, however, is priceless. Would I do it again? A million times if it meant I could have Kayliegh. It’s so worth it. Many of the trials we face on earth will be difficult, and yet the fruit is always so sweet on the other end.

I pray this series has been a blessing to you, brethren, and has allowed you to glimpse the greatness of the God who created us. He upholds all things in His capable, mighty hands. He is worthy of all honor, and praise, and glory! To the nonbelievers who are reading this, know with certainty that the day will come when the God who upholds this earth will judge it. We have all broken Gods Law, and as a just judge He will hold us accountable. The Bible says none are good, no not one. Our righteousness is as filthy rags to this holy, holy, holy God. It doesn’t matter how many days you go without murdering someone, the day you do it you will be a murder. You can’t go before an earthly judge and say ‘yeah I killed someone, but only once and all the other days I was a good person.’ It doesn’t work like that, you broke the law. If we, being sinners, know what justice ought to be, how much more so a righteous and just God?

Friend, I say this because I love you and I do not want you to be lost, you’ve sinned against an infinite God and on judgement day He will have no choice but to condemn you as guilty. God, in His mercy, sent His only begotten Son to have the cup of wrath, the very wrath that we stored up with our sinful desires, poured out on Himself. Christ took our punishment, He died in our place, so that we might be forgiven. He that knew no sin became sin so that wretched sinners could take on His righteousness. Repent of your sins, cry out to God for forgiveness, flee from the wrath to come. To my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Intelligent Design – The Miracle of Life Part I

Intelligent Design – The Miracle of Life Part II

Intelligent Design – Miracle of Life Part III

Intelligent Design – The Miracle of Life Part IV

Intelligent Design – Miracle of Life Part V

Intelligent Design – The Miracle of Life Part VI

Intelligent Design – The Miracle of Life Part VII

Intelligent Design – The Miracle of Life Part VIII

Intelligent Design – The Miracle of Life Part IX

Throwback Thursday – Twelve Part Series on Dynamics

Ordinarily, dear ones, I would be telling you about today’s episode on the podcast. Unfortunately, I have yet again hit a snag in the download portion of our recording. I’m currently working with tech folks to see if they can resolve the issue. Please pray for me, friends, as I trudge through the ever mystifying realm of…technology. *gulp* Instead, today I’ll be posting a throwback.

Way back in November of 2018 I finished a twelve part series on the three types of dynamics; thermodynamics, aerodynamics, and hydrodynamics. It was fun to study these in light of Gods sovereignty over creation, and to reach Kayliegh as we went along. You can see the original post here. Below is just the ending post, but it’s equipped with links to all the parts in the series. I hope it’s as fun for you to read as it was for me to write!

Hello dear ones! This is it, the final post on our series through dynamics. If you missed any of the previous posts I’ll link to them all at the end. I mentioned at the beginning of thermodynamics that many in both the secular side and the creationist side were applying the second law incorrectly. As an explanation for that I’ve got this phenomenal episode of Creation Magazine Live. If you love Answers News you’ll appreciate this show as well.


Obviously when it comes to the application of thermodynamics there’s no limit. It’s an essential foundation for understanding how God designed this world to work. It also impacts the first two fields of study we discussed, hydrodynamics and aerodynamics. The men who first discovered these principles, now laws of science, did not create them but merely put names and equations to them. Beloved, God created all things, though sin cursed and groaning, our world runs in an orderly fashion. I hope this series has helped in seeing the intelligently designed universe, while giving glory to the one who created it. As always, dear ones, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Dynamic Series – First Post

Dynamic Series – Second Post

Dynamic Series – Third Post

Dynamic Series – Fourth Post

Dynamic Series – Fifth Post

Dynamic Series – Sixth Post

Dynamic Series – Seventh Post

Dynamic Series – Eighth Post

Dynamic Series – Ninth Post

Dynamic Series – Tenth Post

Dynamic Series – Eleventh Post

Friday’s MEGA List – Recommendations, Reviews, Suggestions: November 15th, 2019

Dear ones, welcome back to another MEGA list. There are only 6 Friday’s left in 2019, not including today. That’s almost impossible to believe, as another year comes to a close. Coming up on Tulips & Honey on Monday we will be addressing how, when, and why to rebuke one another as well as how we ought to be treating one another on social media. I know we’ve dealt with this already, however it’s come up yet again, only in a different way. On Thursday we’ll be dropping an absolutely fascinating interview with Professor Nancy Pearcey. That lady is truly one of the most interesting individuals we’ve had the pleasure of talking with. In fact, we talked for four hours! Don’t worry, we won’t be releasing a four hour long episode, the magic of the edit button!


I’ve recommended Librovox before, it’s a free website that offers audiobooks from the public domain. I recently learned that you can also listen to their audiobooks on iTunes! Isn’t that neat? Here’s a link to one that I’ll be listening to soon, Contra Gentes by Athanasius. They’ve also got the Institutes there, as well as a multitude of Charles Spurgeon works! Becca, my super sweet co-host, wanted to recommend this Spurgeon devotional, and this Primer her and her husband use as a family devotional.


Today I’d like to review Ray Comforts newest movie Why Did the Dinosaurs Disappear. It follows the same pattern of his other movies, explaining a scientific, or moral, fact while sharing the Gospel with those he is speaking to. You know, beloved, that I have a love for dinosaur fossils. I was sad to leave our previous assignment where there was a fossil dealer who brought in new items weekly. I’m not sure is Bismarck has anything like that. For decades now the secular world has used dinosaurs as an excuse not to believe in the Biblical timeline. So far in this millennium we’ve found nothing but evidence refuting the evolutionary timeline within the fossil record. This movie is appropriate for all ages, and very fascinating.


My suggestion to you all, dear friends, is that you be uncommonly kind to your brothers and sisters-in-Christ this weekend. They will know us by our love, so give preference to one another, putting the other ahead of yourself. Do not esteem yourself above others, but rather, forgetting yourself, love each other with the love we have been given by the Father. In this way, we fulfill the law. I say this from a point of deep concern, what image are we showing our friends and family when we ignore this command? I also say this from a point of humility, as much reminding myself as I am admonishing you. As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Friday Mega List: Recommendations, Reviews, & Suggestions – October 18th, 2019

Hello, dear ones, and welcome to another MEGA list. In my head I always say that with a loud announcer voice. Before we get into it, let me give you an update on what’s coming next week on Tulips & Honey Hub. On Monday we’ll be dropping an amazing interview with Lo and Chuck. Lo writes the RedeemedMamaSavedByGrace blog, and Chuck is her hubby. Costi Hinn recently baptized him, and they were both gracious enough to join us on the program and share their testimony with us. God’s miraculous power in salvation never ceases to amaze me! On Tuesday The Aquila and Priscilla Hour will be dropping their second episode! Don’t forget to check it out, and follow Emily at her blog HeMadeUsAlive . Thursday we’ll be dropping an interview with James from CityALight, an Australian band with a solid, reformed, doctrinal stance. You can hear their music on YouTube, I’ll link to their channel below.


Now that your up to date, what about recommendations? I have two for you today, the first is the latest video from The Laborers where the Gospel is shared with a man who claimed to be a believer. Watch this mans reaction as these young people lovingly explain the truth of Gods Word, he’s not angry or belligerent, he doesn’t ignore or walk away, he listens. We can, and should, be sharing the Gospel with the lost. I know it can be frightening, but it’s far more frightening to recognize the wrath that is to come. We must love the lost enough to warn them.

My second recommendation today is Dr. Alan White’s lecture starts Answers In Genesis titled Could Life Evolve by Chance? Science Says No! You all know how much a love science, in particular the tiniest, microscope machines which God upholds in our cells to maintain life. That’s the basis for Dr. Whites lecture, and it is absolutely fascinating! You can watch the live streamed footage here.

Today for review I’m actually going to talk about a book I reviewed a long time ago. The Life and Diary of David Brainerd by Jonathan Edwards. You can see my original review here. I recently recommended this book to two separate people, and thought it would be a good review to bring back up, especially for all the recent followers to the blog. This book is amazing, it’s on the top ten of my list, and also it’s in the Public Domain which makes it free. Free.99 is my favorite price.

This weekend I suggest you try a new food, anything put pineapple pizza. Most of the time when I try new food it’s not my cup of tea. But every now and then I find something that becomes a new favorite. That’s what happened with sushi, guacamole, and asparagus. If you’ve tried anything new recently you’d like to suggest, so long as it’s not any combination of pineapple and meat, let me know. I might even give it a try! As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Friday Mega List: Becca Berean adds Recommendations, Reviews, and Suggestions – September 6th, 2019


By: Becca B.

Hey Dear Ones, here are a few of my favorite things from this week


New Music: CityAlight, they are recent band from Australia. They are very Biblical and have great songs that are congregational, which I love. My favorite song of theirs is “I Will Trust My Saviour Jesus” and I didn’t spell saviour wrongeither, that’s how our Aussie friends spell it down under 😉.You will love these guys! Check them out:

New Artist Spotlight: Breezy Tulip is amazing artist I came across on Instagram and ABSOLUTELY love everything she has created. Her artwork is so whimsical and inspiring. She has amazing prints and other gifts (some great ideas for Christmas *wink *wink) in her shop online. Visit her webpage:

Best YouTube Clip: Hands down this goes to the recent confession of Benny Hinn, saying he will rebuke those that try ask for money for a blessing, miracle, health etc. This is such a comfort to hear and let us all pray that more truth gets shown to Benny Hinn.  Soli Deo Gloria! All the Glory to God!!!

Blessings to you all

Not only did Becca find these wonderful links, dear friends, she also created the most of the graphics for this post! Please join me in praying for my sister-in-Christ that God would continue to grow her in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God daily for her faithfulness. As an update for next weeks AfterThought posts, Lord willing, Monday I’ll be dropping Contradictions co-hosted by Pastor Jim. On Thursday I’ll drop New Age Infiltration co-hosted by my very own hubby. If you’ve missed previous episodes you can catch up on iTunes, Podbean, Google Play, Spotify, and now YouTube. Don’t forget to subscribe, like, comment, and share beloved. But first, a little laughter for you all…

My recommendations for you today, dear ones, start with Women of the Table, the podcast/blog that I shared on Wednesday. These ladies are relatable and entertaining while they tackle difficult subjects. My second is this article from ICR explaining how the dinosaur tracks we see today confirm a global flood. It’s a fascinating read, and if you all remember back in 2017 my family and I climbed quite a ways to put our hands on one of those tracks. I still hate heights but dinosaurs are worth it. I have, since then, been blessed by two gifts of dinosaur fossils. I love dinosaur fossils almost as much as I hate heights!

While I have no books for you to review this week, although I’m reading through one for next Friday, I do have a suggestion. My suggestion, dear friends, is that those living near coasts check their home insurance to see if it covers problems promulgated by propelled porpoises. The photos and news article warning that dozens had seen dolphins carried inland by 185mph winds are now being considered satire, but it was funny while it lasted. Have a wonderful Saturday, I’ll be back writing on Sunday. Another huge thanks to Becca for all her help, and to all my readers who have been tremendously supportive of the new podcast! As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.