Chalk Talking False Prophecies with(the One and Only) Justin Hereford

Hello dear ones, I hope this post finds you all doing well! I was absolutely thrilled to have my very favorite guest I’ve ever had on the program join me once again. Yes, I’m extremely biased, because this particular guest happens to be my beloved husband and best friend Justin Hereford. You know anytime I’m around him I have a much harder time staying focused or being serious, which is why I highly recommend the blooper reelz on this episode! This discussion was all about the false prophets who made errant claims about certain leaders and specific outcomes of races recently run. I played the clips of these false prophets for Justin who had never seen anything I showed him, so it was a fresh shock caught on camera. Our goal was to address the theological issues with each teacher, as well as have some fun and maybe even make you all laugh right when you feel like you might cry…or pull your hair out.


I’ve linked to the original clips below, although I do not under ANY circumstances recommend any of these false teachers, their beliefs, or their channels. The clips are merely referenced in case you want to make sure I’ve not taken anyone out of context. Also, if you didn’t get a chance to see last weeks MEGA list, I’m going to link to it here. Great news, y’all, Tulips & Honey Hub is now officially available on Amazon’s new Podcasting app! You can, of course, listen across all major podcasting platforms such as PodbeaniTunesSpotifyGoogle PlayiHeart RadioStitcher, and in video form on YouTube. As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Clip 1:

Clip 2:

Clip 3:

Clip 4:

For the book reviews mentioned at the end of the episode:

God Doesn’t Whisper –

God, Greed, and the Prosperity Gospel –

Replacing Darwin –

If you’d like more information about Tulips & Honey check out my website: 5Solas.Online 

My store:…

or my Patreon here:   

For questions, comments, recommendations, prayer requests, you can contact me on social media or via my email

Darwin, The Human Race, and Creation with Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson from Answers in Genesis

Recently Doreen Virtue and I had the absolute honor and privilege to interview Answers in Genesis’ Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, author of Replacing Darwin.

Hello dear ones, I hope this finds you all doing well! Recently Doreen Virtue and I had the absolute honor and privilege to interview Answers in Genesis’ Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, author of Replacing Darwin. We talked about his book, his work with the human race, genetics, and so much more! I want to thank Answers in Genesis for lending us one of their scientists, Dr. Jeanson for giving us so much of his time, and Doreen for co-hosting with me!


Below is a timestamped outline in case you’d like to skip around, as well as some links and resources. Don’t forget to watch until the end to catch the fun bloopers! Also, if you didn’t get a chance to see last weeks MEGA list, I’m going to link to it here. Great news, y’all, Tulips & Honey Hub is now officially available on Amazon’s new Podcasting app! You can, of course, listen across all major podcasting platforms such as PodbeaniTunesSpotifyGoogle PlayiHeart RadioStitcher, and in video form on YouTube. As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

TS 00:00:25 – Our episode with Phil Johnson:

TS 00:04:20 – The statistics for belief in Evolution vs Creation

TS 00:08:20 – How do your peers react to your Christianity?

TS 00:10:55 – Are they suppressing the truth or do they truly believe in Evolution?

TS 00:14:50 – How should we prepare children for university?

Answer’s in Genesis courses:

TS 00:22:15 – Why did you decide to become a scientist?

TS 00:27:25 – Upcoming book?

TS 00:30:00 – How can we discuss the new research on race with grace?

TS 00:35:30 – What about Mitochondrial Eve?

TS 00:39:00 – Where are the genetic mutations heading?

TS 00:45:00 – How have you seen God’s signature in cellular biology

TS 00:49:10 – Does atheism exist? 

TS 00:52:00 – How can we be praying for you and your team?

You can find Dr. Jeanson’s book here:

To watch his 25 part series on the human race:

For more information about Dr. Jeanson and his work with Answers in Genesis:

Be sure to follow Doreen Virtue, and Subscribe to her channel here:

If you’d like more information about Tulips & Honey check out my website: 5Solas.Online 

My blog over at:… 

My store:…

or my Patreon here:   

For questions, comments, recommendations, prayer requests, you can contact me on social media or via my email

Hymns from the Past: Lord! Thou Wilt Hear Me When I Pray – By Isaac Watts

And while I rest my weary head,
From cares and business free;
‘Tis sweet conversing on my bed,
With my own heart and thee.

Hello dear ones, I hope this post finds you all doing well! Today I wanted to share another Isaac Watts hymn with you. I’ve never been able to get over the fact that we can go before the King of kings and Lord of lords in prayer. Not just because I am such a wretch, but mostly because He is holy, holy, holy. I didn’t deserve salvation, adoption, fellowship, or to read Gods Word, and I certainly don’t deserve what Watts writes about here. And yet, we have it full access to His throne, and He hears us. Wow. As always, beloved Brethren, be good Bereans and study to show yourselves approved.


Lord! thou wilt hear me when I pray;
I am forever thine;
I fear before thee all the day,
Nor would I dare to sin.

And while I rest my weary head,
From cares and business free;
‘Tis sweet conversing on my bed,
With my own heart and thee.

I pay this ev’ning sacrifice;
And, when my work is done,
Great God, my faith and hope relies
Upon thy grace alone.

Thus with my thoughts compos’d to peace,
I’ll give mine eyes to sleep;
Thy hand in safety keeps my days,
And will my slumbers keep!

Homeschooling Update: Thanksgiving Week Idea’s & More

It’s rare to find such a large amount of free lessons in Reformed circles, so make sure to bookmark this one.

Hello dear ones, I hope this post finds you all doing well! I just wanted to share a few fun resources for what you might be doing this week, particularly if you’re in the U.S.A. and are preparing for Thanksgiving. There’s also some great resources for everyone else, especially if you teach youth or children’s church. So, long story short, this is a list of things including but not limited to Thanksgiving.

First, The Puritan Network has a free curriculum based on the Reformed Christian worldview. The older Kayliegh gets, the viewer free resources are available, so I was excited to see this one. It includes Biblical survey’s, logic, history, and much more all free. It’s rare to find such a large amount of free lessons in Reformed circles, so make sure to bookmark this one.

For Thanksgiving, first a warning! There is an insane amount of ‘politically correct’ nonsense, borderline rewriting of history, which paints Puritans in a bad light for their belief in God being their authority. This is often done in comparison with the pilgrims, which are said to be more ‘open-minded’. It’s important to check free resources, sometimes they’re fantastic, but other times they’re free for a reason. Here’s a fun, free, worksheet that leaves out the PC stuff, and adds some math. Anytime we can mix math with science and fun, I’m on board! Of course, each year I recommend Kirk Cameron’s movie Monumental and watch it with Kayliegh. It does a tremendous job of showing what hardships led to Plymouth! I’ve likewise mentioned Kids Art Hub here before, and I’m going to do it again because this family keeps things clean while drawing some adorable stuff! Here is a list of all their thanksgiving videos.

This next resource I wanted to share is for all the homeschoolers studying music in any way, shape, or form. Musical Time Machine is a new YouTube channel created by a very sweet sister-in-Christ for her students. There are four episodes already available, and she’s currently working on episode 5!

As far as other updates go for Kayliegh, we’ve all been getting unpacked in our new home in our new assignment. This is an exciting opportunity for her to learn organization skills, as we allowed her to pack all of her stuff on her own this time. She now gets to unpack it and place things where she wants them. It was an interesting experiment to see if anything would break! Thankfully, she did a good job listening to advice on how best to pack breakable items, and nothing broke. That’s really all that’s new at the moment, besides the links listed above. I’d love to hear what kind of stuff you’re working on this week during the holiday. As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Throwback Thursday- Macro vs Micro

Hello, dear friends, I hope this post finds you all doing well. Today I want to clarify something that is essential to the debate on Creation verses Evolution. The difference between macro and micro evolution. I think we’ve probably touched on this in previous posts but I wanted to highlight the issue, and work through why the disctinction is so imperative. It’s actually the logical fallacy of equivocation that many in the secular world commit when they use the term evolution in both the macro and micro sense without differenciating between the two.

As believers we need to recognize this, as it takes what appears to be a solid conclusion on the unbelievers part, and shows where it no longer follows. We also need to be the loudest voice for reason, as Christians who follow the God who created a logical, orderly, universe, we ought to mantain a logical course of dialogue. This is relatively difficult when addressing the worldview thats largely given up logic, and reason, prefering post modernisms war against absolutes. However, this is all the more reason to cling to logic when reasoning with the lost, as we are a pecular people, set apart. We do not conform ourselves to this world, and should not give up reasonable argumentation simply because many do not like it.

Let’s define some terms, brothers and sisters. Let’s start with something that’s been wrongly labeled micro evolution. This is the small changes that take place within a species. In other words, it’s speciation, or natural selection if you’d like. Largely speaking, these changes cause species to become more specialized. What’s literally happening is information is being lost in the genome. This does not happen due to some magical process of the DNA molding itself through the environment outside. It happens because those who are not fit for the climate die out, those who are fit remain. Take dogs for example. A family of dogs find themselves in a very cold climate. The ones with long fur are going to survive, and mate, while the ones with shorter fur will die. As long furred dogs breed they pass on their dominant DNA coded fur, any puppies born with shorter fur won’t survive. After a few generations of long furred pups, only the dominate traits of long fur pass through the genome. This new breed of dog is now specialized, it no longer contains the coding for short or medium hair. If you remove it from cold weather and stick it in a humid, hot climate they will not survive. They have not evolved, they have lost information, thus they have devolved. While speciation is usually a plus for the winner of natural selection, secularists like to ignore the two predominant factors here: many short furred pups died, and information was lost not gained.

Not let’s define macro evolution, which is actually what the theory of evolution refers to. Some will say that speciation, or micro, leads to macro evolution after millions of years of selection. An obvious problem with this is that specialization of a species can not add new information. It will not create a female and male reproductive system, for example, so that a simple organism magically becomes complex enough to reproduce. Wouldn’t it be a shame if that poor simple organism evolved the female stuff but not the male stuff for another hundred thousand years? The female would die without passing on her genetically unique coding. The full meaning of macro evolution is that there was nothing, nothing exploded, and then chaos, where nothing organized itself by smashing into itself. Eventually nothing became the needed elements of life, which pooled together and evolved into a simple cell organism. That simple cell evolved and evolved until it became all the plants, and animals, on Earth. The short meaning of macro evolution is when one species evolved into a completely separate species, which has not and can not be observed scientifically.

If you ask a secularist how we all got here and they say evolution, they’re referring to macro. If you ask for evidence they’ll immediately switch to micro, or speciation, mentioned bird beaks and bacteria. It’s not the same thing, which is why micro has other terminology and macro does not. However, without any ability to gather evidence for evolution, secularists use speciation instead. Wait long enough on the comment stream here and someone will come along to tell me all about how these separate terms mean the same thing, or that one is evidence for the other. Logical, reasonable human beings can see the difference and recognize the issues it causes. Unfortunately, when someone is directly attacking the very thing you’ve bet your eternity on, you’ve only got two choices. Either you can defend your blind faith in macro evolution, or you can honestly admit there are wholes in your worldview. That is a difficult place to find yourself.

These distinctions are important, they change the nature of the debate. We can not, ever, forget though, that we’re not trying to win a debate, we’re trying to win the lost to Christ. You can, and I have, show the lost secularist worshiping at the alter of Darwin how flawed this worldview is. All the evidence in the world will not change their position. Only God can take a heart of stone and replace it with one of flesh. Pray for the lost you encounter, reason with them in love and compassion. Do not give up Scripture, logic, or kindness, when doing so. Hold fast to truth, refute falsehood, and do so recognizing that the lost doesn’t love their evolution, they love their sin. Evolution allows them to suppress the truth in unrighteousness. I hope this explanation was helpful to you, beloved friends, I added a few videos I thought would expound upon the topic throughout this article. As always, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Through the Narrow: Is Nice Kind? – By Gina Cook

Almost every chapter of the Gospels makes some reference to His running battle with the chief hypocrites of His day, and He made no effort whatsoever to be winsome in His encounters with them. He did not invite them to dialogue or engage in a friendly exchange of ideas….. This approach would surely have earned Jesus a resounding outpouring of loud disapproval from today’s guardians of the evangelical protocol.

I know a guy who is pretty much John Wayne incarnate. Most who know him agree. His looks, his demeanor, his voice, his values… the inability to mince words or hold in his opinion for too long. Mr. Wayne has made a few people cry. Made others look for an exit door. He may very well tell you to get a better-looking hat but he’ll buy it for you and never ask for a dime. He’s a bit softer around his grandkids but never a push-over for anyone. It’s been known that in the stormy weather of life, some grew closer to him because he was the only one not tossed around by all the nonsense. He’s the one giving the shirt off his back when you least expect it. He won’t say a whole lot of warm and fuzzy, but no one doubts he cares somewhere deep under that leathery grit.  

I also know someone who is like the cunning witch, Gothel, from Tangled. She comes across as the protective “mother” who “knows best”, nicely brushing Rapunzel’s hair but in reality is a fraud, desperately trying to maintain the masquerade for her own survival. The Ms. Tangled I know is appealing, agreeable, great at kidding around and even giving hugs. She plays the Christian sister role with a smile. “You can trust me” is her favorite line. However, as soon as you turn your back you feel the sting of her betrayal. Oh, but on the surface she’s nice. She doesn’t initially make people squirm like Mr. Wayne. She’s got a softer touch, yet will slip poison into your canteen when you aren’t looking.   

How many people today would take their chances on Ms. Tangled? I’ve heard it so many times; “Yeah, they have flaws… but they’re nice! They dress and speak so nicely! I know they care because they say they do… and they’re nice!”  

People reading this may ask, “is being nice a bad trait?” “Aren’t we to be kind?” “Harsh truth is not good, right?”

It depends… yes….and it depends.

Being nice is defined by the world as being pleasing and agreeable. Those are not bad things in and of themselves, after all the Bible says, “Urge slaves to be subject to their own masters in everything, to be pleasing, not argumentative,” Titus 2:9. He also says, “Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24

There is a time for pleasing and agreeable words and attitudes.  

The problem lies within the interpretation, over-emphasis, and even the worship of what is deemed as nice today. I believe what we are seeing take over our society, and sadly our churches are the false doctrine of having to come across nice and pleasing at all times.  

Nice is the Gospel. Nice is everything. Jesus can’t do anything without it.  

Truth is, people just want to feel nice. They want a nice world. They want to look at nice things. They often time get onto social media and become the spokesperson for “nice”. They ask, “what would Jesus do” and then follow up with something nice.  

Being nice, of course, isn’t bad in the right context. We Christians just can’t always be agreeable or pleasing.  

Kindness, however, is what we are called to exhibit as Christians. Kindness is much more than just being nice. The Bible talks about kindness a lot. It’s a fruit of the Spirit. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,” Galatians 5:22 (See also Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:12, Acts 9:36-41). The Greek word for “kindness” is chrēstotēs, which means “benignity, tender concern, uprightness.” 

Kindness is not about surface agreeability or pleasing others, it’s about compassion, gracious and truthful speech, and acts of love. Kindness is not making sure to never rightfully offend. To show kindness is oftentimes to die to self, even risk being snarled at and getting your hand bit. The end means of kindness is for the kindness of Christ to be known.  

“Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But deceitful are the kisses of an enemy.”

Proverbs 27:6 

Kind and pleasant speech as the Bible talks about in Proverbs, for example, does not tickle ears. Kindness is deeds fueled by the love that seeks the best for others, even those that hate you. 

“But if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:20-21

Kindness doesn’t always feel good. What’s more kind and loving than pushing a man out of the way of a car? You may break his ribs but his life is spared. He may not feel good, but he’s alive. Who would object to saving a life?

At the time of writing this, we are a few weeks removed from celebrating Reformation Day. On this day we celebrate God’s work through imperfect reformers like Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale, John Knox. We also appreciate the men who came later, such as Charles Spurgeon, who boldly preached the Truth in times so depleted of sound doctrine.  

God used them to bring people to their knees and repent. Countless people. The impact was so immense, the world was radically affected. It was apparent souls were desperately needing Truth. 

The Reformers boldly stood for the Word of God and even gave their life for it. Although imperfect, they loved the Lord, His people, and the Scripture. It showed. They faithfully preached on the kindness of God and they showed kindness themselves, yet… they were not necessarily the nicest of speakers or known for their appeasing speech. They didn’t care to make people feel nice. That doesn’t save souls.  

A few of their quotes:

“If God spare my life, ere many years I will cause a boy who drives a plough to know more of the scriptures than you do.” ― William Tyndale (speaking to a priest)

“Your thoughts of God are too human.” – Martin Luther (speaking to Erasmus)

“The world doesn’t want to be punished. It wants to remain in darkness. It doesn’t want to be told that what it believes is false. If you also don’t want to be corrected, then you might as well leave the church and spend your time at the bar and brothel. But if you want to be saved-and remember that there’s another life after this one-you must accept correction.” Martin Luther

“The pastor ought to have two voices: one, for gathering the sheep; and another, for warding off and driving away wolves and thieves. The Scripture supplies him with the means of doing both.” John Calvin

 “A man that extols himself is a fool and an idiot” John Calvin

 “To search for wisdom apart from Christ means not simply foolhardiness but utter insanity.” John Calvin

 “Right is right though all condemn, and wrong is wrong though all approve.” Charles Spurgeon

 “You and I cannot be useful if we want to be sweet as honey in the mouths of men. God will never bless us if we wish to please men, that they may think well of us. Are you willing to tell them what will break your own heart in the telling and break theirs in the hearing? If not, you are not fit to serve the Lord. You must be willing to go and speak for God, though you will be rejected.” Charles Spurgeon

They had lived up close and personal to the cesspool of deceit. It carried the stench of death. People they knew and loved were perishing in false doctrine and being abused by false teachers. A massive amount of people were slumbering in their sins and dancing straight to Hell. Nice and easy wasn’t going to cut it.  

Of course, the Reformers were in no way the originators of such an approach.

The Old Testament writers, the Apostles such as Paul and Peter and ultimately Christ Himself said some pretty harsh truth.  

“Do not withhold discipline from a child;

 Though you strike him with the rod, he will not die.

 You shall strike him with the rod

 And rescue his soul from Sheol.” Proverbs 23:13-14

“One who loves discipline loves knowledge, But one who hates rebuke is stupid.” Proverbs 12:1

“But Peter said to him, “May your silver perish with you because you thought you could acquire the gift of God with money! You have no part or share in this matter, for your heart is not right before God. Therefore, repent of this wickedness of yours, and pray to the Lord that, if possible, the intention of your heart will be forgiven you. For I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and in the bondage of unrighteousness.” (Peter to Simon the magician) Acts 8:20-23.

“But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned.” (Paul talking about having to confront Peter) Galatians 2:11

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you travel around on sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.” Matthew 23:15

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; leave Me, you who practice lawlessness.’ Matthew 7:21-23

In John MacArthur’s book, “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore: What You Must Learn from the Bold Confrontations of Christ, in the first chapter titled, When it’s Wrong to be “Nice” he writes, “The Great Shepherd Himself was never far from open controversy with the most conspicuously religious inhabitants in all of Israel. Almost every chapter of the Gospels makes some reference to His running battle with the chief hypocrites of His day, and He made no effort whatsoever to be winsome in His encounters with them. He did not invite them to dialogue or engage in a friendly exchange of ideas….. This approach would surely have earned Jesus a resounding outpouring of loud disapproval from today’s guardians of the evangelical protocol. In fact, His approach to the Pharisees utterly debunks the cardinal points of conventional wisdom among modern and postmodern evangelicals—the neo ….evangelical fondness for eternal collegiality, and the Emerging infatuation with engaging all points of view in endless conversation. By today’s standards, Jesus’ words about the Pharisees and His treatment of them are breathtakingly severe.” 

(taken from )

Were Paul, Peter, and even Christ Himself unloving? Unkind? Is the severe approach wrong? 

On the contrary!  

Although we are not to make a habit of going around and rebuking brothers and sister harshly or publically or calling people hypocrites, we can gather from the Bible’s examples that the truth is profoundly important and we can’t compromise it or dance around it. We also see what true kindness looks like. It’s not as much about sparing feelings, as it is sparing souls the judgment or severe discipline of the Lord. Not only did the men in the Bible rebuke those they were speaking to, but they graciously shared with the many hearers who need to know what’s right and what’s wrong. That is loving-kindness.  

“For such people are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.” Romans 16:18

Today people are making some very serious decisions based solely on the “niceness” of others. They are attracted by smooth and flattering speech. It is a dangerous thing to look to be led by what’s likable instead of what is right.  

After witnessing to a close family member with concern in my heart, tears in my eyes, and loving conviction in my voice, she walked out the door and said she never wanted anything more to do with me or my God. She didn’t see me as nice, that’s for sure. I looked every bit the part of evil in her eyes at that moment. Yet that was far from true. Praise God, He used the truth spoken to break her and bring her to repentance a while later. The truth sets us free (John 8:32)! God’s Word is a sword, not a fan (Hebrews 4:12). The Word is a hammer, not a feather (Jeremiah 23:29). Christ is a stumbling block for some (1 Corinthians 1:23), hated and rejected by many (John 15:18). He is not concerned about being nice. He is concerned about the providing of God’s truth in love.

“Peace if possible, truth at all costs.” Martin Luther

If I had to choose between hard truth and nice veneer, I’d take the truth in John Wayne’s style over nice and sweet nothings any day. Any person who has been devastated by “sweet little lies” should agree. Anyone who sees sin and false teaching ravaging souls, should be more concerned about the Truth and doing good than sparkly words and happy feelings.  

Yes, we are to be peaceable, gentle, gracious in our speech and always with a heart of compassion, and to know that doesn’t mean suppressing the truth of God. People may be in grave danger with the Lord! Let them know if you care, even if they don’t see you as nice for doing it. Ultimately, we are to please the Lord, not man.

“For am I now seeking the favor of people, or of God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10

Are We Being Visited by Aliens?

How do we deal with this strange phenomenon, in light of our Christian worldview and Biblically sound theology?

Hello dear ones, I hope this post finds you all doing well! This year has been a really weird year with pandemics, murder hornets, tic tac shaped UFO footage declassified by the government…Let’s be honest, we all have that family member (and some of you are that family member) that is as sure of aliens as the most devout Catholic believes in the pope. How do we deal with this strange phenomenon, in light of our Christian worldview and Biblically sound theology? Let’s take our mind off of the endless election to discuss something out of this world. I answered all the excellent questions you sent in at the end of this episode. There’s a timestamped outline below if you’d like to skip around. Don’t forget to watch until the end to catch the fun bloopers! Also, if you didn’t get a chance to see last weeks MEGA list, I’m going to link to it here. Great news, y’all, Tulips & Honey Hub is now officially available on Amazon’s new Podcasting app! You can, of course, listen across all major podcasting platforms such as PodbeaniTunesSpotifyGoogle PlayiHeart RadioStitcher, and in video form on YouTube. As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Introduction to the topic

TS 00:05:55 – Do I believe that there are aliens visiting this planet?

TS 00:07:45 – Looking at the numbers of claims

TS 00:15:00 – How this links to the New Age 

TS 00:18:30 – The government/military response

TS 00:21:00 – Why this ends up in the New Age

TS 00:23:00 – Our planets unique life sustaining position

TS 00:24:45 – The Fermi paradox 

TS 00:27:00 – Theologically kicking the can

TS 00:28:00 – Why Intelligent Beings can’t travel here

TS 00:32:00 – These Aliens have a lot to say about Christianity

TS 00:33:10 – Abductions stop at the name of Christ

Alien Intrusion Movie:

Alien Intrusion Book:

TS 00:36:45 – Are we putting God in a box?

TS 00:45:00 – Could evolution have created life everywhere?

TS 00:50:00 – Modern “Aliens” throughout history

TS 00:52:10 – Why do people want this to be real?

TS 00:54:30 – Suppressed Memories Tangent 

TS 00:59:05 – Are these Nephilim?

Tim Chaffey’s book Fallen Book Review:

TS 01:00:00 – Does this relate to the end times deception?

If you’d like more information about Tulips & Honey check out my website: 5Solas.Online

My blog over at:… 

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or my Patreon here:

For questions, comments, recommendations, prayer requests, you can contact me on social media or via my email

Book Review: God Doesn’t Whisper by Jim Osman

Hello dear ones, I hope this post finds you all doing well! As promised, I have another book review for you. This one was a joy to read, as the writer has a knack for Biblical truth and turning a phrase. It’s no wonder John MacArthur wrote the forward for God Doesn’t Whisper, published by Kootenai Community Church Publishing in August of this year. Rarely do we see this type of theologically sound rebuke to the popular belief in HVG or hearing the voice of God. In this 281 page book, pastor and author Jim Osman expounds upon his own journey from believing in HVG through the Scriptural reasons he no longer does so. While he explains this disastrous teaching, he boldly calls out those preachers and teachers that promote it.


Coming from the Word of Faith movement I frequently heard it repeated, “God spoke to me, in that still, small voice…” Have you heard it? It’s a phrase that’s repeated so often one might begin to question if the canon ought not be re-opened. But does Gods Word ever tell us that we’ll hear Him speak audibly today? In dreams? Does God whisper? Osman doesn’t pull any punches, this book, from its title to the very last footnote, is a clear refutation of HVG. I love that he doesn’t stray from Scripture, but calls us to view this movement through a Biblical lens. I recommend this book to any age, and if you happen to be a homeschooling parent like I am then this book will be a fantastic primer to teach your preteens, teens, or young adults how to respond when someone says they’ve heard a word from God.


Pastor Osman was also gracious enough to send me several copies of God Doesn’t Whisper which I’ll be giving away on social media. If you’ve liked or commented on this article then you’ve already been entered to win! But if you’d like a few extra chances you can zip over to any of my social media pages and find the posts about this giveaway. If you are too impatient to wait for any giveaway, and when it comes to this book I completely understand, then you can find your own paper copy here and the kindle version here. Of course, if you’ve somehow found yourself with a subscription to Kindle Unlimited like I have, then you’ll already have access to this book. I know it will be edifying and educational. As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Are We Being Censored?

Hello dear ones, I hope this post finds you all doing well! There’s been a lot of talk recently about censorship, particularly in the political realm. In fact, both sides of the political spectrum here in the U.S.A have made claims that big tech have helped the other side in some way or another. With all of the chaos surrounding the current presidential election, I was reminded of a conversation I had with a dear brother-in-Christ about their reach being limited on social media. It wasn’t the first time I had heard of this happened, however as I began to research this phenomena I was shocked by how widespread it was. On almost every single platform Christians were finding themselves shadow banned, censored, or even outright banned for expressing Biblical truths. That, of course, led me to today’s episode delving into the how’s, why’s, where’s, and what’s of the current social media censorship happening to believers everywhere.


While we see major outlets like Prager U, or Live Action, managing to kick up enough dirt and raise funds for lawsuits, the average Christian on social media most likely doesn’t realize what’s happening. Why? Mostly because it’s very pervasive, suddenly you go from a couple hundred likes to a couple dozen, it’s a strange drop off but you can’t really figure out why it’s happened. That’s a shadow ban, and it’s happening more often than I could keep count of. This episode isn’t all doom and gloom, I wanted to make sure I reminded everyone of what we could, and should, do about this. *Spoiler* we trust the sovereign God we serve, while supporting one another the best we can. Honestly, I began this episode thinking it would be one of the shortest I’ve ever recorded, I should stop thinking that…it’s never the case. So, I’ve included a timestamped outline of today’s episode, incase you want to skip along. Don’t forget to watch until the end to catch the fun bloopers! Also, if you didn’t get a chance to see last weeks MEGA list, I’m going to link to it here. Great news, y’all, Tulips & Honey Hub is now officially available on Amazon’s new Podcasting app! You can, of course, listen across all major podcasting platforms such as PodbeaniTunesSpotifyGoogle PlayiHeart RadioStitcher, and in video form on Youtube. As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

00:05:45 – Roseland Art Co. on Instagram:

00:07:30 – The background to this subject

00:09:45 – Defining some terms

00:11:20 – The questions we’ll be asking

00:18:35 – Tami’s recent article:

00:24:15 – Shadow banned

My Parlor account:

00:30:00 – Organic reach and algorithms 

00:52:45 – All the different Social Media sites connected

00:54:30 – YouTube

01:01:05 – Facebook and Instagram

Exposit the Word:

01:09:52 – Reddit/TikTok/Apple Store/Amazon

My favorite tictok’ers @xtin.Rose:

01:17:30 – Twitter

01:21:30 – The good news about this mess

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For questions, comments, recommendations, prayer requests, you can contact me on social media or via my email