Wednesday Testimony – Foreknown

When I found this testimony, and watched it, I wept. We’ve been going through this series on the miracle of life, and I can think of no better Testimony this week then two people who were forgiven for taking innocent lives. Why? Because God’s grace is irresistible. Because God’s forgiveness is attainable. Because Christ came, for the sins of all who believe, and had the wrath of God poured out on Him that day on the cross. Because by grace through faith in Christ alone we can be saved. 

I pray you will each be blessed by this testimony, and the knowledge that forgiveness is real, God’s love is genuine. He is also a God of justice, one who is angry at sin everyday. If you’ve come to see the Christian God as some Santa clause genie who gives to all without requiring repentance then you will find yourself on judgement day facing this thrice holy God which you spent your life sinning against, and you will stand condemned of worshipping a false idol. Repent, dear friend, and work through your salvation with fear and trembling. As always, beloved brethren, be good Berean’s and study to show yourselves approved.

Author: lnhereford

I am a Christian, wife, mother, podcaster and homeschooler currently traveling the United States with my loving husband and darling daughter!

11 thoughts on “Wednesday Testimony – Foreknown”

  1. It’s very very heart wrenching for me to watch this; I pray one day the sin of abortion would be illegal…but we must never forget the need of the gospel for those who have committed abortion before.

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