Wednesday Testimony – Kirk Cameron

I’m not big on celebrity testimonies, we so often hear the testimony of an actor, actress, athlete or the likes, then watch their lives show no fruit. A testimony is powerful, a life changed is even more powerful, as it demonstrates the grace, mercy, and glory of God. A testimony and life in conflict is powerful as well, it becomes a powerful testimony against God and His people. Often those famous folks that have proclaimed faith in Christ have done so for publicity sake. I don’t think the same can be said for Kirk Cameron. Here is one actor whose life has shown fruit, and given evidence for a change. We do not become perfect when becoming saved, but we will be a new creature. God, in His grace, sanctifies us. Are you being sanctified, friend? If not, if you see no change, if the sin you use to love you love still (like a dog returning to its vomit) then please, work through your faith with fear and trembling. As always, beloved, be good Bereans and study to show yourselves approved.  

Author: lnhereford

I am a Christian, wife, mother, podcaster and homeschooler currently traveling the United States with my loving husband and darling daughter!

13 thoughts on “Wednesday Testimony – Kirk Cameron”

  1. Thanks for Kirk Cameron’s testimony. I love Kirk and I’m grateful for his The Way of the Master ministry. Kirk has been a little squishy in the past by appearing on Catholic talk radio and enlisting the help of Mormon Glenn Beck in the promotion of one of his film projects, but this seems to be the way of evangelical para-church leaders in general these days. Please don’t take my comments as a criticism of your post, sister, I’m definitely more sensitive about this ecumenism issue than most.

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    1. Thank you for pointing that out, brother! I should have mentioned it, I appreciate you standing in truth. I use to listen to Glenn Beck avidly before being saved, I remember seeing Cameron on the show. I use to have a membership to GBTV and confess to holding on to it longer than I should have. I was all at once convicted one morning in prayer to break away from all remaining ties to my old life of idol worship. The money that I was sending to his program, even though I had ceased watching, could have been going to missionary work. I thank God He brought me out of that sin, Beck and many others use a false gospel to tie themselves with ecumenism and it’s extremely dangerous spiritually. We need men to make a clear stand, and separate themselves. I thought it odd, as a side note, that he would go on Becks program seeing as how he taught against Mormonism previously. That all slipped my mind until I read your comment, what a blessing it is to have an honest, uncompromising brother!

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      1. I saw Beck with Christian nationalist, David Barton, on TBN on a pro-USA special called “Foundations of Freedom.” Yes, sister, politically conservative Christians are so focused on preserving “Judeo-Christian values” in this country that they’re willing to ally with non-believers and the Gospel eventually gets muddied. Kirk has done a lot of good stuff but it seems he’s prone to that also. When Christians start mixing faith with patriotism, bad things happen. Thanks for understanding that my concern wasn’t a criticism of you. There are actually few well-known pastors and para-church leaders out there today who don’t compromise to some degree on ecumenism with Rome. Every once in awhile I try imagine a Spurgeon or Lloyd-Jones being invited to appear on a Catholic radio or television show but the idea is too outlandish.

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      2. I shiver to consider that combination, TBN, Barton, and Beck…a trinity of compromise and confusion. I wonder if the nationalist mindset stems from a lack of understanding or acknowledging Gods sovereignty? I imagine somewhere in a tiny back road church today’s Spurgeon or MLJ is preaching to 50 people and going mostly unnoticed by social media. I just finished a book by Whitefield in which he spoke boldly and clearly against the RCC, without going into details as if his audience would have understood exactly what he was referring too. I would have had no idea a year or two ago what he was even talking about. There’s just not that clarity or boldness today. It’s much needed, there’s several generations now that have no idea what the difference is between Mormonism, Catholicism, or Evangelicalism. I just spoke to an atheist who suggested my Bible was no different then the Book of Mormon, or the Quran. That young man had never been taught in depth about the varies religions and their origins. He had only heard the coexist mantra. That’s what makes ecumenicism so dangerous. I really need to do more research into the compromise of today. I so appreciate your steadfastness, I never mind you expanding my knowledge in anyway. Especially since you patiently answer my constant stream of questions, brother!

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      3. You make a good observation. The big names and para-church ministries are under tremendous financial pressure to cave on ecumenism whereas the preacher with a small country church is free from that. There’s another interesting story of ecumenical compromise that I’ll send you tomorrow when I have some time. Yes, you’re right. Most today have very little knowledge regarding doctrine. People knew their Bibles back in the day. Lord bless you!

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      4. Sister, please forgive me, but after praying about it, I’ve decided not to write anything at this time regarding the para-church leader I had in mind. The person died just a few days ago and many are mourning him so now is not the time.

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